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Jan. 8, 2022

Veterans Benefits

Matt Goolsby is joined by three financial advisors from Market Advisory Group, in studio by Larry Kloefkorn, Danny Goolsby remotely in Wichita, and Jonathon McCoy remotely in Kansas City. They discuss important steps needed to take as you plan your retirement and recent price increases. Then in the “Find the Fees” segment they examine bonds and potential rising interest rates. Matt is then joined by Bill Vawter, of Market Medicare Advisors to cover increases in Part B premiums and the hold harmless provisions. Next, Matt is joined by legal assistant Jenah Moody to talk through veterans benefits and the 3 M’s involved in it. Lastly, Matt is joined by lead CPA of Market Tax Services Joshua Cicora to chat about changes to 1099k’s in this upcoming tax year.