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Feb. 5, 2022

Medicare Advantage Pros & Cons

Matt Goolsby is joined by three financial advisors from Market Advisory Group, in studio by Larry Kloefkorn, Danny Goolsby remotely in Wichita, and Jonathon McCoy remotely in Kansas City. They discuss the part of retirement we have control over and the parts we don’t have control of. Then in the “Find the Fees” segment they examine 401ks and the fees they could potentially bring. Matt is then joined by Bill Vawter, of Market Medicare Advisors to compare and contact the pros and cons of Medicare advantage, as well as, the many misconceptions about the plan. Next, Matt talks through the importance of having an estate plan included with your retirement, taxes, and Medicare planning. Lastly, Matt is joined by lead CPA of Market Tax Services Joshua Cicora to chat about the new Face ID implemented by the IRS.