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Aug. 14, 2021

Avoiding Probate

Matt Goolsby is joined by three financial advisors from Market Advisory Group, in studio by Larry Kloefkorn, Danny Goolsby remotely in Wichita, and Jonathon McCoy remotely in Kansas City. They talk through what a sector rotation is and the drawbacks of DIY’s when planning your retirement. Then in the “Find the Fees” segment they examine the potential fees in long term care insurance. Matt is then joined by Bill Vawter, of Market Medicare Advisors to answer a listeners question about switching to a drug plan after having a plan that didn’t necessarily work for them. Next, Next, Matt is joined by estate planning attorney Gerald Eidelman to discuss strategies to avoid probate with TOD’s and POD’s. Lastly, Matt is then joined lead CPA of Market Tax Services, Joshua Cicora to chat about good intention that lead to unintended consequences when it comes to tax planning